
Posted in: Diariku,Komputer & IT |

Ouchh… i got a headache!
I juz had slept for less than 3 hours n in 7am ago. All nite long I kept awaken. Actually i slept 2 hours at 8pm yesternight. Woke up at 10pm, n took a wudlu to start pray n recite. It was a long long recital. Kept reciting istighfar more than an hour and must be done until 10.000 times. But i couldnt. Got only 5000. geez. gotta get struggle tonight.

After reciting, opened my PC and surfed the net. Checked out fs, fesbuk, blogs, and finally I created my newly DeviartArt acc. its Kiera Yuuki’s DeviantArt, an alter ego of me, Hikaru Yuuki called, using kanji Hate.

I am a programmer not yet an artist. I juz love to art n being artistic.

In my DeviantArt, I had uploaded some of my creations few years ago. Yeah, out of fashion already. been long time. Had no time n had no chance to draw again. Keep busy lately with my programming stuff, especially after my PC is ‘out of order’ hehehe. Whenever i have some spare times, I’ll start to draw again.

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