There was a time when computers were expensive and so "modern" to many people, eventhough those were very slow comparing to today's computers. Those that even have no polyphonic sound, only beep-ing freakin' out sound. At that time there was a little kid in a family of four, his father bought a computer for working. But the brat was always playing games in the computer. His father often said do not play games all day long, the computer was for working. Until one time, the computer got damaged. His father got really mad at him. Sighing and thinking. Since then on, the father bought him another computer to play with.
The boy was so excited. He got his own PC, for his brother and himself to play. Then he installed many games in instant. He was so experienced in many games, he started to know about cheating and tricking trial game. He "wasted" his time since he woke up until he went to bed again. At school, only games were existed in his head. Just it. Nothing else. Soon, his marks jumped down. Until one time... The computer went damaged. He could not do anything else. He was freakin' out, afraid to be yelled by his father, he started to open the PC. Tried to figure out what was going on.
Once he opened the PC, he just only could stare at the electrical things inside. He knew nothing. He had no idea. But he got interested. Tried to do something, but instead it got repaired, it went even worse. Then he pretended there were nothing happened.
Long time passed, the PC was still wrecked. He could only see his PC and opened the PC, just wished miracle happened. Of course, its not a fairy tale, there's no such computer fairy like tooth fairy ever existed. But everytime he opened the PC he got knowlegdes, he started to learn about stuffs inside the computer, what the hardisk, mobo, cpu, memory, and many things exactly is.
His father knew what had happened with the PC, then he got it fixed. The son were jumped, happy. Since then, the lil kid stopped playing games, instead he learned many things about computer, hardware, operating system, and the last programming. Though he was only be able to learn it in short time and his knowledge stopped ~before he damaged his PC again and again~, he knew quite many things.
Once he got grown bigger, he started to learn again, concentrating himself in programming. Now he became a developer and a web designer. That boy is me... The brat who used to play games, who always got the PC damaged. He became a Japanese fan but still kept the nationalism inside.
Blog yang cantik sekali ^o^
Hehehe makasih ya Fan…
doumo arigatou gozaimasu… ^^
nice blog
datang berkunjung… salam kenal mas Hikaru ^^

kereen banget pak blognya..!
Bapak temenya Bapak Ibnu ya???
Hehe.. Terima kasih ya.Iya temannya Ibnu Daqiqil sama-sama dari Ilkom UB & sama-sama jadi asisten lab n proyek. dulu kerjanya juga bareng. tapi dia keluar duluan n kuliah di UI itu.Andry sendiri kenalnya gimana?kok manggilnya bapak hehe.
eh gan. aku bisa ga yah mo nanya dikiit nih. tentang class di c++, ga mudeng ane. huks huks
iya shun, kenapa? nggak mudeng dimananya?
tolong ajari aq bg,buat toolbar gitu..
pening pun bg
ga ngerti buat icon nya gitu..
sebelumnya maaf ya bg,aq pakai toolbar nya ya bg..
habis nya keren
besok saya berkunjung lagi
tolong banget ya bg
ga jadi lah q pasang toolbar punya abg,
malu aq
tapi tolong ajarin aq ya bg
diajarin bagaimana nih? kan sebenarnya tinggal ambil CSS nya saja dari contoh di atas, untuk javascript (menggunakan framework jQuery) memang harus dikustomisasi, tapi untuk intinya kan sudah ada, tinggal di edit-edit sedikit.
blognya bikin pake CI ya mas?
Blognya pakai WordPress kok, cuma theme nya yang bikin sendiri
nice blog!
According to Naka Kaspy is not the greatest as many would like to think. I alywas felt that Kaspy was overrated. As a pure chess talent guys like Morphy, Capa,the redoubtable Fischer, Tal etc etc were certainly greater chess players. Thank you Naka for enlightening the ignorant.
Q tebak yachh,,,
hikaru yuuki tuchh,, artinya cahaya keberanian kan yachh? heheheh,,,
Hehehe Yuuki-nya bukan ditulis dari 勇気 (courage) tapi 夕生. 夕 dari (evening), 生 dari (raw, pure, genuine)
Wuiihh… Keren abiss…
Skill Tingkat Tinggi….
Terima kasih… masih harus banyak belajar kok…