Archive for the ‘Art & Culture’ Category

Twitter Is Not An Online Text Messaging

Posted in: Daily Life,Info Tech |

Well, according to the title I’m feeling that Twitter is not the place for online text messaging. Although it is indeed permitted to communicate via Twitter, easily tag others through mention, reply, re-tweet someone else, but Twitter should not be used to be a text messaging protocol.

As the name implies, MicroBlogging, means micro or very short blog and blog itself comes from Web-Log, which means a daily record (log) on the web. Here the diary (log) is not tantamount to a short message (text message/short message). Unfortunately, many people consider both are same, so they are using Twitter as a place for having online text messaging Whatever they are doing, where, with whom, or something that is not important or in sarcasm, trashes, they tweet those on Twitter.



Hollywood Anime Live Action = Total Crap and Garbage?!

Posted in: Anime @en,Dorama & Movie |

For some reasons, I dont know why Japanese anime made into live action version by Hollywood is really severely ruined, trashed, disappointing and not worth for watching (moreover it can damage your eyes and brain, LoL, I’m just exaggerate it). Its more suitable if you directly put it into the trash can, so that the fans dont see the damages caused to their favorite anime image especially when it is a legendary anime.

Maybe it was the purpose of the You-Know-Wood to damage the Japanese anime image because they do not want to be defeated by the Japanese. Mention all the anime that made by You-Know-Wood, such as Tekken, Resident Evil, Dragon Ball is really totally bad. As for the cartoons from the USA such as Iron Man, Transformers, Spiderman, X-Men, etc. usually became totally awesome.



Rurouni Kenshin Live Action

Posted in: Anime @en,Dorama & Movie |

Actually, this info has spreaded out for long time ago. The famous anime Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) from Nobuhiko Watsuki is being  made into a live action. Earlier, this anime has been approached by Hollywood to be made into a live action, fortunately Nobuhiro strictly refused the offer, after he saw the failures and damages given to Dragon Ball live action (Dragon Ball Evolution). If he did not refuse it, (maybe) it is definitely a movie to be ensured as a garbage. Himura Kenshin will be played by Takeru Satoh who played in Kamen Rider Den-o. Hopefully the movie will be very good, I can not wait longer to watch the Battousai because this my favorite anime since Junior High.



Sue Movie Plagiarism!

Posted in: Dorama & Movie |

It’s really sad. How could people do plagiarism always and always. And the recently is one of the serial movies made by a Production House, Soraya Intercine Film, it is Supergirl starred by Manohara. How come,  Supergirl that has became the copyright of Marvel wear a costumes of Spider-Woman from DC Comics, well-known by its famous superheroes-superheroines. Why do those people who work in movies never be aware and awaken. They’ve been vilified the name of Indonesia.

Our Kaskuser fellows (related Kaskus threads are here and here) have reported it to DC Comics and Marvel so that they sue Soraya because of this issue, and hopefully it will be come true, so we can get lessons from this kind of issue. To support this please tweet with a hashtag #MarvelSueSoraya on Twitter so it will become trending topic. Don’t kill another Indonesian creativity!



E-Book: Web Design – HTML & CSS

Posted in: Book & Manga,Website & Blog |

Web Design: HTML & CSS






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